Covid-19 Special Rules
Portsmouth and District Canoe ClubDate of issue – 24 Oct 2020
(Date of first issue – 12 June 2020)
Summary of Updates since First Issue
1) As of 26th July, the Committee agreed to allow C-grade trips to take place.
2) Wording change in “Approach to Risk” section
3) Borrowing of Club boats and equipment allowed, with precautions.
2) Wording change in “Approach to Risk” section
3) Borrowing of Club boats and equipment allowed, with precautions.
Following a risk assessment exercise and advice from the BC, Portsmouth Canoe Club Committee is implementing new rules which all members are required to read, understand and abide by before participating in any Club activities. These rules will be revised and re-issued to reflect any changes in government instructions, BC guidelines or lessons learned from experience. These rules will apply to all Club activities and will be in force from the date of issue until further notice. Please also refer to the Risk Assessment and Code of Conduct documents. Any questions on these rules should be directed to a member of the Committee.
Following a risk assessment exercise and advice from the BC, Portsmouth Canoe Club Committee is implementing new rules which all members are required to read, understand and abide by before participating in any Club activities. These rules will be revised and re-issued to reflect any changes in government instructions, BC guidelines or lessons learned from experience. These rules will apply to all Club activities and will be in force from the date of issue until further notice. Please also refer to the Risk Assessment and Code of Conduct documents. Any questions on these rules should be directed to a member of the Committee.
Approach to Risk
These rules are intended to mitigate and minimise the risk of Covid-19 infection. However, the risks are not zero and it remains the individual decision of every member whether or not they wish to accept the risks of Covid and to participate in a Club activity. Once having agreed to join any activity, members must adhere to the Covid protection rules. These rules are designed to follow government guidelines and instructions and nothing herein is intended to contradict those rules. Exceptional situations can arise during Club activities where it is unavoidable to breach separation and contact rules (eg emergency rescue, 1st Aid, Mayday). Under such circumstances, members are expected to make a pragmatic judgement and act accordingly.
Any member who is in any category required by government to isolate (eg. showing symptoms; in quarantine; has been in contact with infected persons etc) must not attend any activities. All Club activities will be conducted in groups of not more than 6 individuals (eg 5 members plus Trip Leader/Coach). Mandatory Social Distancing will be maintained between members (including members of the public) at all times during the activity. Avoid sharing of equipment. Avoid providing assistance with clothing – eg zipping-up dry-suits. Shared carrying of boats is permitted and lifting boats on and off cars (maintaining Social Distancing at all times). Members might consider disinfecting toggles before/after contact. Members must provide their own washing facilities, sanitiser, disinfectant, masks and gloves if they wish to use them. Any member unable to abide by the Social Distancing rules and remain largely self-supporting will not be accepted for any Club activities. (The above restrictions exclude members of the same household)
Signing-Up and Attendance
Attendance for all trips and activities must be pre-arranged – using communicated methods (eg. Google forms). The Trip organiser will contact those who have signed-up with specific meeting instructions, including which group they are in. By signing-up to attend any trips and activities members must declare that they have read, understood and will abide by the Rules. Any member developing symptoms during an activity or in the days immediately afterwards must notify the Trip Leader.
The Committee is deliberately scheduling “easier” type trips (A and B grade). This is to reduce the risk of capsize, exhaustion, need for towing, difficult launch/landings, challenging sea conditions. However, C-grade trips may also be undertaken by suitable competent members. No D-grade trips will be scheduled. Trips will be scheduled to avoid launching areas likely to be congested with members of the public. This might include quiet start/finish times. More than one group of 6 can operate from the same beach/car-park at the same time, providing that realistic separation can be maintained between groups. It must also appear to be separate groups as witnessed by any members of the public. Paddlers must maintain Social Distancing on the water and no rafting or rafted tows will be allowed except in an emergency. Social Distancing must also be respected at any lunch or intermediate stops en route. In the event of a capsize, members will be expected to attempt self-rescue, which may include swimming to the shore. Close contact (normal) rescues will only be undertaken as a last resort.
Similar rules to apply as per Trips above. In particular, all participants must sign-up beforehand and will be assigned to a group of not more than 6. Training will not be given on close-contact techniques – such as normal rescues. Training will be carried out close to a safe shore, such that in the event of a capsize, the paddler can easily swim to shore.
Borrowing Club Boats and Equipment
Club boats and equipment may be loaned out as previously, but with the following provisos: Longer term loans rather than shorter loans preferred Equipment must be cleaned and sanitised by the person who used it, after use and at the point of return to the container or storage. Club equipment should not be shared during a single event other than between members of the same household. The double-kayak and open canoe should only be used by members of the same household. A boat/equipment hire form must be completed for all equipment borrowed, particularly to capture track-and-trace info.
Indoor Activities
No indoor activities will take place.