Thursday, 29 April 2010

Some video...

Better late than never; here's some video of last Sundays epic.

(Music by Snow Patrol)

Wednesday night was magic...

Nothing more to be said, except that Greenland style seems to be spreading, who is this showing off his new paddle?

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Monday evening training 26th April 2010

On Monday thirty four (ish) members took advantage of a sultry (ish) April evening to learn new skills (and generally fall in like we know what we're doing).

Eastney to Ryde 25th April 2010 (Part2)

Onlookers enjoying the sunshine at Ryde last Sunday could have been forgiven for thinking that the Isle of Wight was being invaded by Aliens or Zombies (or worse still; PDCC) as twelve salt encrusted beings wearily extracated themselves from their multi coloured cocoons before staggering around on the shoreline in their awkward attempts to recover the use of their lower limbs (before they fell over.... apart from the one called Sheila, who did, and who got a bit wet).

What the onlookers are unlikely to have realised is that these were in fact just 'normal' human beings and that they had just endured a two hour struggle with a very strong SW so that they could come and sit on the beach with an ice cream then, half an hour later, head back to whence they'd came......... Que?