Monday, 29 November 2010

Nature Paddle - Langstone Harbour 28th November 2010

Twelve Hard Core members (Read; Lunatics) braved the - 3 C wind chill and enjoyed a leisurely rummage around Langstone Harbour on Sunday.

It's amazing what you find when you slow things down a bit.

I know that there are some that are keen on Inuit style paddling, but this is taking it a bit far... That harpoon only just missed Ingrid!

Nearly a white out - anyone remembered their compass?

Don't move too quick - you might break something off!

The wildlife were pretty obliging (no, I'm not referring to the picture above).
There were plenty of sightings, unfortunately the highlight of the day was only witnessed by Liz, Peter and myself; As we sat down to eat our sarnies a magnificent Short Eared Owl took to the air only 30 yards away.

Hide & Seek with a pair of Grey Seal was fun, I don't think this young one had seen a kayak before.. or was it Pete's whistling that made it so inquisitive?

Stop!... (Liz fancied some Oysters for tea).

And it's Bye bye from Pete!